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MP3Info Documentation

Revision: 0018


MP3Info generates lists of files with file, mp3 and tag information.
The generated information is showed with formated output.
The output format can be one of the format examples: text, html, xml or sql.
But you can define your own output format.


Step 1: Download

Go to the downloads page.
There you can get the binary package or the source package of MP3Info.
If you get the binary version, now you can jump to the Step 3: Installation

Step 2: Compilation

To compile MP3Info you will need a C++ compiler and the ID3Lib headers.


For the windows version you also need the windows headers.
The program has been compiled with Visual C++ .NET 2003


The support for linux is not implemented yet. (Project planning)

Step 3: Installation

If you get the binary pakage the only thing you need to do is descompres the package where you want to install MP3Info.
Else install the binary files and format directory where you want to install the program.
You also need to install ID3Lib.


Internal links:

Command line options
Format of format files
Project planning
Current changes log
GNU General Public License

External links:

Project at sourceforge.
Downloads at sourceforge.
Doxygen home page.
ID3Lib home page.
Sourceforge home page.
Copyright(C) 2002-2004, David Ameller
All trademarks are property of their respective owner.

doxygen sourceforge id3lib