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00001 #pragma once
00027 #ifndef __SETTINGS_H__
00028 #define __SETTINGS_H__
00030 // USINGS
00031 using std::string;
00032 using std::list;
00033 using std::exception;
00036 class settings
00037 {
00038         // Member functions.
00039 public:
00040         static void CreateInstance(int argc, char** argv);
00041         static void DeleteInstance(void);
00042         static settings* Instance(void);
00043         void Show(void);
00044         bool GetRecursive(void);
00045         bool GetDebug(void);
00046         bool GetShowHelp(void);
00047         bool GetShowVersion(void);
00048     string GetOriginalRoute(void);
00049     string GetFileRoute(void);
00050         string GetOutFile(void);
00051         string GetLogFile(void);
00052         string GetLabel(void);
00053         string GetFormat(void);
00054 private:
00055         settings(int argc, char** argv);
00056         settings(const settings& Obj);
00057         void SetDefaults(void);
00058         void SetArguments(list<string> ArgumentsList);
00059     bool ParseArgument(list<string>::const_iterator ArgsIterator, list<string>::const_iterator ArgsIteratorEnd);
00060         void ParseArgument(char Argument);
00062         // Attributes.
00063 private:
00064         bool m_Recursive;                                   
00065         bool m_Debug;                                       
00066         bool m_ShowHelp;                                    
00067         bool m_ShowVersion;                                 
00068         string m_OriginalRoute;                     
00069         string m_FileRoute;                                 
00070         string m_OutFile;                                   
00071         string m_LogFile;                                   
00072         string m_Label;                                     
00073         string m_Format;                                    
00075         static settings* m_pInstance;       
00076 };
00078 // Settings exceptions
00084 namespace except
00085 {
00087     class settings_except: public exception
00088     {
00089         // Member functions.
00090     public:
00092         settings_except(void) throw(): exception() {};
00094         virtual ~settings_except(void) throw() {};
00096             virtual const char *what(void) const throw()=0;
00097     };
00100     class incomplete_argument: public settings_except
00101     {
00102         // Member functions.
00103     public:
00104         incomplete_argument(const string& IncompleteArgument) throw();
00105         virtual ~incomplete_argument(void) throw();
00106         virtual const char *what(void) const throw();
00108         // Attributes.
00109     private:
00110         string m_IncompleteArgument;    
00111     };
00114     class unknow_argument: public settings_except
00115     {
00116         // Member functions.
00117     public:
00118         unknow_argument(const string& UnknowArgument) throw();
00119         virtual ~unknow_argument(void) throw();
00120         virtual const char *what(void) const throw();
00122         // Attributes.
00123     private:
00124         string m_UnknowArgument;       
00125     };
00126 }
00128 #endif // __SETTINGS_H__

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